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@Veejur sincerely sorry to hear this! My ex girlfriend was abused while she was very young and I didn't understand why she was the way she was Infront of me or other men even after knowing she was sexually assaulted until I read into it. That is the sickest thing thinkable I'm sure we can all agree. The depths of understanding psychology can give deep insights, but that is never an understanding i will be able to even begin to understand. I get why my parents beat me and punished me for things I did not deserve but only because they did not have the mental capacity to deal with a hyper child.. not that this is any excuse.
I’ve read a bunch of Dennis Lehane lately. Good crime mysteries set in Boston. Finished his latest book, Tender Mercies, in a couple of days and have been going back to his older book.
Upravo sam završio s čitanjem dviju knjiga kratkih priča Raymonda Carvera...Umoran sam od čitanja romana...s našom kratkom pažnjom ovih dana, iznenađen sam da kratka priča nije popularnija.
Upravo sam završio s čitanjem 'Obaminih ratova' - nisam mogao zamisliti da se Trump nosi s takvim geopolitičkim složenostima poput Obame... ljudi su mislili da je Bush spor, ali otkrio sam da nije tako jednostavan kao što su ljudi mislili.

Obamini ratovi zvuče dobro. Hvala - trebao mi je dokumentarni rec.
Reading True Grit by Charles Portis. It’s a classic and I read half of it in one sitting. I’ve never seen the movie versions.
When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s by John Ganz
I Hope This Finds You Well, by Natalie Sue. I have never worked in an office before, but this is exactly how I imagine it to be. That, and the book does a really great job explaining how absolutely crippling anxiety can be.
I just read "In Broad Daylight" by Harry N. MacLean . In 1981 in Skidmore Missouri a crowd of people surrounded the town bully. Who was a rapist, murderer, animal abuser etc scumbag. Someone blew his brains out while he sat in his truck in front of a bar. No one would talk and no one was ever charged. It was a very interesting story.
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