Iskustva NY Carine 2023!

Preporučene ljekarne na pregledniku ljekarni

I have 2 that are no movement since inbound. One in NY and one in chi. One 25 days the other around 27. I've never received anything after that much time except one waaaaay back that just showed up after about 50 days with zero scans.
My luck sucks bigly right now. Ugh.
Oh my goodness. That is incredibly odd. I don't know the inner workings of how things move along through customs but if yours has been in NY for 25 days, during that same time mine was in and out within 24 hours. That said, I almost always try to use the "fastest" shipping possible (exceptions exist with some vendors where the fastest shipping may be counterproductive due to declaration reasons)

When you say "inbound" do you mean inbound to customs?
Package was in and out of customs (Jamaica center) within 24 hours and this was even during high volume and other factors which would slow down customs processing.
A controlled item? I understand if you’d rather not say tho. Just wondering. Have one due to hit there soon…
I'm new here so I don't know what I can and cannot say. I don't want to break any rules I may not be aware of.

This made me curious though, what would be the reason(s) where someone would rather ne reci if controlled item or not?
@Peanutheadm Mine got in and out of Jamaica, but has been stuck on the next step of "In Transit to next facility" for 9 days.

Does yours get to "In Transit" after Jamaica, or just stuck in Jamaica?

If it has gone through:

Inbound Into Customs --> Inbound Out of Customs

Then depending on how far you are from (JFK), the "In Transit to next facility" is essentially saying that it is on the way to your local post office. That said, if you are located relatively close...then that may be a cause for further investigation as to what is going on.

Nadam se da pomaže!
Oh gotcha...mine hadn't gotten to a Outbound state yet. I assumed the "In Transit to next facility" meant it was out of customs. Thanks

---In Transit to Next Facility
Prosinac 6, 2024

---Arrived at USPS Regional Facility

---December 2, 2024, 3:40 am
---Inbound Into Customs
Package was in and out of customs (Jamaica center) within 24 hours and this was even during high volume and other factors which would slow down customs processing.
A controlled item? I understand if you’d rather not say tho. Just wondering. Have one due to hit there soon…
I'm new here so I don't know what I can and cannot say. I don't want to break any rules I may not be aware of.

This made me curious though, what would be the reason(s) where someone would rather ne reci if controlled item or not?
It would be ok to say if it's controlled but many folks here are pretty concerned about privacy, so sometimes they'd rather not indicate the level of what they're purchasing - especially since this thread is in the "open" section. : Nesiguran:

Many of us are always curious which country is getting thru easily (me included) or on the other hand, getting more scrutiny but it is actually against the rules to name the country of origin, (altho of course often that info may be obvious anyway by the website or email.)

Glad you're here and that your item flew thru! Good news is always welcomed, imho... :štreber:
Package was in and out of customs (Jamaica center) within 24 hours and this was even during high volume and other factors which would slow down customs processing.
A controlled item? I understand if you’d rather not say tho. Just wondering. Have one due to hit there soon…
I'm new here so I don't know what I can and cannot say. I don't want to break any rules I may not be aware of.

This made me curious though, what would be the reason(s) where someone would rather ne reci if controlled item or not?
It would be ok to say if it's controlled but many folks here are pretty concerned about privacy, so sometimes they'd rather not indicate the level of what they're purchasing - especially since this thread is in the "open" section. : Nesiguran:

Many of us are always curious which country is getting thru easily (me included) or on the other hand, getting more scrutiny but it is actually against the rules to name the country of origin, (altho of course often that info may be obvious anyway by the website or email.)

Glad you're here and that your item flew thru! Good news is always welcomed, imho... :štreber:
Thank you for that information! I would not have known those nuances otherwise. I would rather not risk it and get banned on my 2nd day here. That said, I am in the same boat as you with a different package due to hit there soon. Let's see how this one goes!

Something which has me a bit disconcerted is the fact that USPS disabled my account for some reason. Not sure if it happened due to inactivity (hadn't logged in for quite some time) or other reasons.
Most of my orders have gone right from ISC to Queens in a day since the spring but my most recent order hit the dreaded J town. Fingers crossed.
Yes, I'm not too concerned but obviously I'm headed on holiday so this will likely delay it till after I return...
Are there any [accurate] package tracking sites out there? The one I am using (a novice) seems to bounce across the spectrum regarding status of a package. E.G. Time A: If international, it shows exact flight information and status. Time B: If international, it shows a completely different status as if it never even left from origin. Thank you in advance!
Package was in and out of customs (Jamaica center) within 24 hours and this was even during high volume and other factors which would slow down customs processing.
A controlled item? I understand if you’d rather not say tho. Just wondering. Have one due to hit there soon…
I'm new here so I don't know what I can and cannot say. I don't want to break any rules I may not be aware of.

This made me curious though, what would be the reason(s) where someone would rather ne reci if controlled item or not?
It would be ok to say if it's controlled but many folks here are pretty concerned about privacy, so sometimes they'd rather not indicate the level of what they're purchasing - especially since this thread is in the "open" section. : Nesiguran:

Many of us are always curious which country is getting thru easily (me included) or on the other hand, getting more scrutiny but it is actually against the rules to name the country of origin, (altho of course often that info may be obvious anyway by the website or email.)

Glad you're here and that your item flew thru! Good news is always welcomed, imho... :štreber:
Thank you for that information! I would not have known those nuances otherwise. I would rather not risk it and get banned on my 2nd day here. That said, I am in the same boat as you with a different package due to hit there soon. Let's see how this one goes!

Something which has me a bit disconcerted is the fact that USPS disabled my account for some reason. Not sure if it happened due to inactivity (hadn't logged in for quite some time) or other reasons.
Following up on this in case others encounter similar issue RE: USPS account disabled - it was simply due to inactivity - apparently you have to login at least once every 30 days otherwise they disable your account. NOTE: I had to call them and speak to someone who re-enabled the account on the spot. Contacting them through a webform has zero traction so just a heads up
Package was in and out of customs (Jamaica center) within 24 hours and this was even during high volume and other factors which would slow down customs processing.
A controlled item? I understand if you’d rather not say tho. Just wondering. Have one due to hit there soon…
I'm new here so I don't know what I can and cannot say. I don't want to break any rules I may not be aware of.

This made me curious though, what would be the reason(s) where someone would rather ne reci if controlled item or not?
It would be ok to say if it's controlled but many folks here are pretty concerned about privacy, so sometimes they'd rather not indicate the level of what they're purchasing - especially since this thread is in the "open" section. : Nesiguran:

Many of us are always curious which country is getting thru easily (me included) or on the other hand, getting more scrutiny but it is actually against the rules to name the country of origin, (altho of course often that info may be obvious anyway by the website or email.)

Glad you're here and that your item flew thru! Good news is always welcomed, imho... :štreber:
Thank you for that information! I would not have known those nuances otherwise. I would rather not risk it and get banned on my 2nd day here. That said, I am in the same boat as you with a different package due to hit there soon. Let's see how this one goes!

Something which has me a bit disconcerted is the fact that USPS disabled my account for some reason. Not sure if it happened due to inactivity (hadn't logged in for quite some time) or other reasons.
Following up on this in case others encounter similar issue RE: USPS account disabled - it was simply due to inactivity - apparently you have to login at least once every 30 days otherwise they disable your account. NOTE: I had to call them and speak to someone who re-enabled the account on the spot. Contacting them through a webform has zero traction so just a heads up
This happened to me. I had to wait for them to mail me a letter with a code and had to input it online to reactivate my account.
Yah in transit doesn't mean it's cleared or moving. It is just an auto generated reply from USPS so they hope we think it is moving.

Also Jamaica doesn't mean it has cleared Customs it actually usually means the opposite. Jamacia is the building that houses customs. So it is either getting extra scrutiny from CBP, it has been seized, or it is in a bin waiting to be inspected and sent along to us.
big picture though, I have always thought it is rather amazing how much stuff actually gets through. anyone ever seen the behind the scenes? is it a manual eyeball inspection and they just randomly pull stuff off a conveyer belt or is there some kind of automatic x ray vetting process?
Does it ever make it out of the black hole?

Hoćemo li ikada saznati?

Will I be hanging around checking it everyday like I wish my ex would text me?
big picture though, I have always thought it is rather amazing how much stuff actually gets through. anyone ever seen the behind the scenes? is it a manual eyeball inspection and they just randomly pull stuff off a conveyer belt or is there some kind of automatic x ray vetting process?
Who really knows? I've been saying for years - can't we find a disgruntled customs officer who will come here and explain it all to us? :LOL:
big picture though, I have always thought it is rather amazing how much stuff actually gets through. anyone ever seen the behind the scenes? is it a manual eyeball inspection and they just randomly pull stuff off a conveyer belt or is there some kind of automatic x ray vetting process?
Who really knows? I've been saying for years - can't we find a disgruntled customs officer who will come here and explain it all to us? :LOL:
They probably have to sign a NDA, would be nice to have a little insight though!
big picture though, I have always thought it is rather amazing how much stuff actually gets through. anyone ever seen the behind the scenes? is it a manual eyeball inspection and they just randomly pull stuff off a conveyer belt or is there some kind of automatic x ray vetting process?
Who really knows? I've been saying for years - can't we find a disgruntled customs officer who will come here and explain it all to us? :LOL:
They probably have to sign a NDA, would be nice to have a little insight though!
Well if they're REALLY disgruntled, they might want to do it anyway since it would be easy enough to be anonymous... :sretan: Just my wishful thinking. I would love to have some insight for sure.
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